Tuesday, 18 December 2012
The World Ench(end)
Well those link below shows the my past entries about the end...
A Warning Sign
Reminder From God: Apocalypse Dream
if you haven't read both entries, here I help a little bit by summarize whatever inside that post..
in the first post is about a warning sign... well, its obviously tell about that the ending would come... but when it is actually? it is 21 December 2012? well, the Mayan Tribes already giving the warning sign for the human race... it just a warning sign, and causing the fear for the humanity... many question arise like.. What would happen to earth? Do zombie came out? Where to live? Hmm... none of the question i can't answer... I'm not expert... well... that from the first post... remember, only God knows when is the end, but that no the reason we are not prepare, many the end prediction have been made and that the warning sign... God sent them to give a warning sign to repent and back to the Way...
in the second post is tells about my dream about the day end came... the situation and what happened that time... this dream is full of fear and madness... the riot happened... well, even though its just a dream.. it gives the blur picture of the end... the might be a not stop meteor shower but actually a tiny pieces of asteroids keep hitting the earth, the earth of the rotation and many more... they nothing more to say.. but just remember that to prepare ourselves in spirituality and mentally strong... because what happened next is unknown...
hmm... they nothing left to say... and the end is remained mystery..
p/s pray a lot my friends
Friday, 14 December 2012
Blink 182 - Boxing Day
Let's get started, the faint and broken-hearted,
Hold it up, I've got something I cannot hide.
Worst painkiller, that all-in filler,
The apart and departed look in my eyes.
Sad, how far you ran, I'll search this land,
Up through the clouds then back here.
We could reignite like fireflies, like an atom bomb,
At all hours.
I'm empty like the day after christmas,
Swept beneath the wave of your goodbye.
You left me on the day after christmas,
There's nothing left to say, and so goodnight.
I will follow the trail to tomorrow,
With my loneliness with sorrow all through the night.
Sons and daughters, mothers and their fathers.
Just the bridges and the waters their clues left behind.
Sad, how far you ran, I'll search this land,
Up through the clouds then back here.
We could reignite like fireflies, like an atom bomb,
At all hours.
I'm empty like the day after christmas,
Swept beneath the wave of your goodbye.
You left me on the day after christmas,
There's nothing left to say, and so goodnight.
I'm empty like the day after christmas,
Swept beneath the wave of your goodbye.
You left me on the day after christmas,
There's nothing left to say, and so goodnight.
There's nothing left to say, and so goodnight.
p/s Happy Advent and Merry Christmas
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
I do this from time to time
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Have a new holiday
Well.. It's been 2 month I didn't post anything on this blog... :3 :3 ... wow such a long time for this blog to came up with new update...
A very2 apology to all reader outside they who wish to wait for the new entry... For the past 2 months... I been busy with the examination fever and assignment sickness... Very rough day for that time... Hahaha... Until almost forgot the desire of blogging... Hihi... Forgive me...
Since i've been posting about holidqy... And here comes that i am on holiday right now.. Actually been holiday since 9/9/12 ... back from utp... And here they way back to utp to sabah... The procedure... (refer below entry)
Need 3 ticket to get back to hometown... Yeah... And have enjoy the first phase of the holiday at labuan...
Well... Maybe the update will not smoothly update because only using phone for publishing.. Believe me this is way harder that using a computer... And probably less update...
Alrighty then... That all from me... :) that for all the support and don't forget to follow my blog and don't shy2 to leave a comment... Thanks... :)
p/s holiday is 4 months...
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
the future?
Today, I wanna share about what my future of my life keep running in my mind... :3 haha... kind of embarrassing to tell them all... Chil everybody, I 'm not telling story to attract people attention... just wanna share some of reality of life... help other to reflect behalf on themselves. ^^
everybody would expecting a good life in the future like having a steady job, an harmony family, with some wealth and probably became famous... >.< well, I also human, no need to shy to admit we have the desire of having all those part of life...
well, right now still studying in University, another 2 and a half year I will graduated in Bachelor (hons) in Chemical Engineering and the new stage of life will began... In my mind, what would I do after this, should I (1) continue my study, (2)began works to the industry and (3)having some leisure time to find peace on mind. :)
enough with some wise words... XP .. Let me show my to do list for the future.... :)
1) Finished my study. -.-
2) Having steady job with high salary... $o$
3) Getting married with love one.. :#
4) Travelling through many places... ^^
5) Having kids. ^^
6) Returning favor to parents.. :)
7) Live happy with family and friends.. ^^,
Well, enough with those list... My entry has came to the end.. :O
don't worry all... ^^ ... any interesting update will be post from time to time...
p/s appreciate ur life... u don't know what happen next.. :3
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Do not make someone happy because of your lies,
as it will cry when they know it lies.
Make them hurt by your honesty,
although it also will cry but it would be better for him,
because there will be a beautiful smile fate after he tired crying,
and proud to you have been honest in it ..
p/s tiada kerja maw buat.. :3
here comes the middle year...
well, time moving so fast and it's June already... wow, seriously it's June and right now entering the hard time for the year... hmm.... right now entering the second semester of the year.... still studying in UTP.. nothing new over here... just struggling to survive the rest of the year.... >.<
well, entering this June it's time to reflect ourselves as what we already accomplished through this period of time... well maybe some of it lah... haha... this something I've done through those time..

1. Eat
2. Drink
3. Sleep
4. Wake Up
5. Going for lecture
6. Taking exam -pass satisfied
7. Jalan-jalan
8. Nothing
well, nothing actually special throughout this year... just realize each passing day became bored as you want to end your studies ASAP... screw student life... hmm... right now, try to focus on the present... live in the present to make the better future... haha
talking about life right now... no words can't describe it right now... to be honest, It's hard to move on your life if your life purpose is "blury" ... haha.. at least I'm easily give up on anything in this life... but just a little Procrastinate along my may... =.= ...never mind about it... right now just need a person that constantly remind me to do what is important... :3 hihi...
another stories, just a simple reflection for everybody...
"Nobody's perfect"well, just suddenly remind the scene of Kamen Rider Double episode 32 - where Philip accepted his partner, Hidari Shotaro even his cannot match with his new power well they actually needed each other..
same goes through this life... they are no perfection among us.. only God is perfect and no other being can beat His perfection... continue to the topic... as example, you will say.. "oh, I've already found the perfect one for me"... well, behind those perfect word will always have some imperfection... well, nobody is perfect... even I not a perfect person.... let hear Pieces from Sum 41.. :3
p/s hihihi... :3 just a bunch simple update..
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Mother's Day 2012 and End of 2/1
well, obviously this entry tells about mother's day... nothing much about to say... just a simple reflection for all of us and the meaning of celebrate this day... Let's begin..

that all for a very simple reflection i would share for everybody read this entry.. Well, lastly I wish "Happy Mother's Day to all Mother in the world especially my mother" :') God Bless Her Eternally..
coming to the second part of this entry... just wanna Thanks to God as I'm still alive and finally finished my 2nd year, 1st semester in Chemical Engineering (UTP)... another 5 semester left... hopefully survive for the semester...

even though I didn't ace this exam... well at least I still got the scholarship from my sponsor to continue my study....
well that's all folks... will post any interesting from time to time...
p/s going back to Sabah tommorow... :D
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
May is here!!!
Sunday, 29 April 2012
April Lesson
p/s life is wonderful
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Letters To God, Part II
They are off the hook, all but one
And all the mail stacked up inside
Up from the floor, a mile high
And like one would, like a child
I'm asking..
Like I could knock on your door
Will you let me in?
And dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die
I found out the truth is it's all a big lie
I find that the words are hard to describe
I tell you I'm lost here, awaiting reply
Climbing trees and paper planes
Life as a kid, we're all the same
Tears of joy, and sullen hearts
Sticks and stones and broken arms
And like one would, like a child
I'm asking..
Like I could knock on your door
Will you let me in?
And dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die
I found out the truth is it's all a big lie
I find that the words are hard to describe
I tell you I'm lost here, awaiting reply
I found out what's wrong, and it's not you or I
Or anyone else that you chose tonight
It seems like the madness of choice in the life
Has made it all clear if we run or we hide
And dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die
I found out the truth is it's all a big lie
I find that the words are hard to describe
I tell you I'm lost here, awaiting reply
I found out what's wrong, and it's not you or I
Or anyone else that you chose tonight
It seems like the madness of choice in the life
Has made it all clear if we run or we hide
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Angels And Airwaves - Shove (Lyrics)
My Chord Meaning.
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Wake Up problem..
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Just Another Ordinary Wednesday.
p/s at least i still can sleep this until 12 noon.. haha
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
I got my first Keyboard.
Taylor GS Mini (future acoustic guitar) |
Yamaha PSR-E333 |
Yamaha PSR-E423 |
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
reminder from God: Apocalypse dream.
repent and back to the way...
shalom everybody, through this lent season... i want to share something for your all...
just now, I was sleeping and have a dream...
in this dream, it is story of a group of youth having a party at 20 December 2012. while i included in the dream. well in that situation, the party was in the some kind of beside the lake and at the night... they began talk about the world would end 21 December 2012 with confidently... As I check my handphone, the time is almost show the clock at 12 am.... suddenly, right after 12 am.. firework suddenly happened... and everybody seems to enjoy it... but the sky began turn cloudy like the smoke from the volcano, then, earthquake happened and some of the lava fall near to us... we start to run.. saw something that weird... like old man die in the tree... suddenly, I hear some voices tell that... this is what you deserved... you shall live this place by your own... they no rule again... and try to survive until the day came... after this incident... I saw many vision of people suffering by... people been kill after one another... some kind of mutan kill everybody when see us... the transport all modified... some transport are modified to kill the people... I can't stand the pain from the dream... and wake up to write this story before as it was the dream that God tell me to remind about the world at End.. Repent and back to the way... The still a chance... Do it before it's too late...
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
terima kasih kerana membaca... sila komen dan follow..
p/s first meme, memang rajin buat...
Saturday, 18 February 2012
blink 182 single through 2 decade
music video a quite funny with all the wig
and Bee Gee stuff)
of sad one, the music video is telling about
50% of house is destroyed by divorce and the
remaining is opposite which came from
Tom Delonge's parents divorce)
can make you feel more energetic.)
This music Video shows a band playing in the
haunted house with classic instrument.
Still a better music video.)
by police and he try to escape from the
police through the neighborhood.)
compete among themselves for a girl and
this music video is special because they
were 3 part of video combine into 1 video)
video from single, live, recording and behind the
stages. Well this were the single to
remembering them after the break up)
reunited as blink-182 at Grammy Award 2009.
at this single were they promise as the
first single for the new album. And this music
video tells about a corrupted neighborhood
and having riot up all night)
Neighborhoods album and this music video
tells a love story between two crazy lover
after midnight till the dawn).
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
forever alone guy wish for valentine day....
Saturday, 28 January 2012
2012 Start here...
in this year 2012.... I hope all of you have already set new resolution for this new year.... perhaps... renew last year resolution... I understand some of people had difficulty to fulfill they aim for the... to be honest... I also haven't achieve my goal of the year... yeah.... people make mistake... no need to judge them... as for me... I have no new resolution for this year, but renewing and upgrading the past resolution... hehehe.... sound more like it... well, what it the used of all the resolution if you cannot manage it... it only waste of time.... I hope everybody would survive this new year.... well, wish me survive also.... (pending)....
Well, I didn't have any plan for now... but in my mind.... I want to bought the things I want the most... a DSLR camera (Canon EOS 550D++)... depending on the budget.... A semi hollow guitar (Epiphone).... well, until now, I'm only afford for epiphone products as to get the Gibson version is impossible for this year... Then, I would save my allowance over RM 100-RM 200 per months... at least, I have a saving to ensure my own future financial... hmm, that all I care for now... maybe the will came a plan in the move...
and finally, I hope this 2012 will be nice for me.... helping me from misery and bad news... nothing to share again... Let's hope this year end with regretful...
p/s It would be nice to blogging again...