Tuesday, 27 March 2012

My Chord Meaning.

Music is a wonderful thing in this worlds (for me) ... after many years befriends with music... I gain some meaning from each songs from they initial chord. Don't be confused, this is just a fun sharing from me... Don't take to the heart... Shall I began... Okay.

C - Common - Mean those song a very simple and easy going beat. 
D - Darker - The song kind sad one, but still make those song great.
E - Emotional - For me this song suitable for jiwang2.
F - Fail - For me, F chord will give the happy atmosphere and sometime interrupt the mood.
G - Glory - Feel to sing to the Lord when G is playing. 
A - Awesome - The Chord I like the most, any song that from A give a great impact to me.
B - Beat this if you can - This chord is okay, almost okay as A but the problem is, this chord scale only consist 2 basic chord B and E. 

well, that just my opinion, not to argue with other people.. maybe other people view are better than me.. 

p/s music will always be part of my life

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