Tuesday, 1 May 2012

May is here!!!

Time moving so fast which without realizing it almost entering the middle of the year. Entering this month a quite tufter than usually months as the final exam only around the corner and will came back to my hometown in the middle of the month. Maybe some of the day in this month will be wasted  just like that cause you will not having all day on studying but doing nothing and laying on the bed for the whole day..Well, it's impossible for me to make my day as studying day. That's bullshit. haha... just kidding... it's just an exam fever... =.=

talking about May, Kaamatan is here!!! so excited about it yet unable to celebrate throughout the whole months lah... Maybe will have some mini celebration between friends or family. :) well, that's so special about months of May... 

well, hope this months just going to be better months than expected.. and that's only things I want say for now... see you all next time...

Lastly, I wish "Kotobian Tadau Tagazo do Kaamatan kumaa tompinai om tambalut ku ngavi"

p/s relax or stress??

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