Wednesday, 31 August 2011

day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

shalom... today challenge are truly give me difficult time for me... actually I have the will be anybody and not specific and I will speak it generally... those are someone who 1 want switch of my life... based on desire.. be sporting... ok
  • Rich Man.
I think like this because I also have the desire on money... if I switch my life with rich.. I immediately transfer some of money from myself as Rich Man to my other self that was not me at that time.. that all I want... Then, tomorrow I wake up with plenty of money in Bank.
  • Girl
Because I want to learn how girl lives in a day... that's all... and also do something that guys can't do... Just testing...
  • Cat
Because Cat are adorable and cute... maybe be a Cat helps me understand more about as Human doesn't understand everything they want are always been force to sleep... :3

that's all I want to share for now.. anyway... thanks for reading...

p/s Happy Merdeka to Malaya.. 16 days more for Sabah to Merdeka...
Malaysia years = My father's age..

Monday, 29 August 2011

100th entry???

hello semua... x saya sedari bahawa ini merupakan entri saya yang ke-100... yeah ... adakah ini pun maw bangga....

sebenarnya... tujuan sy menulis entri ini adalah untuk menunjukkan rasa kepuasan di dalam diri ini... selama 1 tahun lebih sy berblog... kini sdh sampai punck di mana post sy sdh berjumlah 100 semuanya... 

blog sy bermula dengan nama "Hen-shin!!!" kepada "Moment To Share" dan akhirnya dengan membuat perubuhan dengan mengabungkan nama tersebut kepada "Hen-Shin!!!/MoMent To ShaRE.." dan mgkin di masa hadapan akan ditukar lagi..

sorry kerana merapuh dalam post 100 entry nie.. sy cuma terlalu excited menaip dan x taw apa maw cakap.. hihi... agak lama sy x post dalam BM... 

itu ja lah... harap2 entry selepas ini semakin menarik dan berfaedah kepada semua... bye

p/s ok, just s simple update.. Just to make sure I'm still alive and ready to post anything I want. the first one to views this are the 1000th visitor... ;)

Sunday, 28 August 2011

the beginning of boring week.

now it's start the boring week which.. the whole week will be...
  1. everybody going... especially peninsular friends... they going for raya...
  2. Study week... the week full of input..
  3. most of the cafe is close..
  4. seldom people online...
  5. allowance almost finished... need to wait the end of weekday for another allowance..
  6. only cat became friends...
  7. long time no eat (oo) ... hihi
so damn boring... what to go out... no money... hihi.. anyway... smile always..

p/s good luck for UTPian in Final exam..

day 16- another picture of yourself (digging back old memory)

this is my picture in the past..

p/s everbody can changes..

Saturday, 27 August 2011

day 15- put your music library on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

hello... those song will play in shuffle mode... sorry if some songs is never heard by some people..
  1. Hillsongs - This is Our God
  2. Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes
  3. Bow Wow ft Clara - Like U
  4. Simple Plan _ When I'm Gone
  5. Bunkface - Prom Queen
  6. Gateaway - Reason I'm Alive
  7. Nanase Aikawa - Round ZERO~BLADE BRAVE
  8. Nakatahak Ku Ngawi Dia
  9. The Ting Tings - Traffic Light
  10. Angels And Airwaves - Breath
p/s That all... enjoy you day.. hihi

Thursday, 25 August 2011

day 14- a picture of you and your family

This Is picture of Me with my family at the cemetery 3 years ago... It's was Christmas time

p/s I miss my family..

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Wednesday Without Words 7

day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently

hello, this is just a simple letter for hurting me recently
content are 18SG
Dear: Anyone hurting me
  "GO Fuck Yourself.."
p/s don't need long letter for this things.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

story: lie detector

shalom, Just wanna share a story... enjoy

A man buys a lie detector robot that slaps people who lie. he decided to test it at dinner:

Dad: Son where were you today during school hours?
Son: At school (robot slaps son)

...Son: Okay I went to the movies!
Dad: Which one?
Son: Toy Story (robot slaps again!)

Son: Okay I was watching "A Day With A Porn"!.
Dad: What? When I was your age I didn't even know what porn was! (robot slaps dad)
Mom: Hahahahaha! after all he is your son!(robot slaps mom).

p/s this story cause slapping disease spreading

day 12- how you found out about Blogger and why you made one

shalom, just wanna share how did I found blogger and why I made one...

How I found out blogger?

I found out about blogger when I read some magazine in my high school about social networking... from that article, I accidentally found the word blog... and didn't understanding what meaning of the words.. from that article also mention that most blogger using "Blogger" to write anything they... that's how I found out about blogger ad begin to understand the meaning... after a year, I have my own laptop and begin read throughout the net... and finally understand they way of blogger.

Why I made One?

because I wanna share some story and experience everybody as the other blogger may also done the same things... to get more friends and connection... then, to gain more experience in writing... I think, that's all... I'm happy blogging right now... It became part of my life already...

p/s I like the way I write... :)

Monday, 22 August 2011

day 11- another picture of you and your friends ( a batch of fighting)

here came the another picture with friends:

I'm look fatter here... as this picture taken last year....

this theme shows that as an batch... we are fighting and sharing the moment for achieve our dream...

p/s those were sabahan friends...

Sunday, 21 August 2011

changing back

as you see, I'm changing the blog to the original name of the blog... as the first time I blogging... the header also been remove... as I want a simple header without hyperbolic blog-style... maybe in future I would some future and make it more simple... but nice... that's all...

Saturday, 20 August 2011

day 10- songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

shalom... firstly, I make some apologies as I unable to complete my challenge yesterday... as I had to extent the 10th challenge to this day....

let's begin...

If I Happy, I will listen to

  • Any songs. Became we I'm happy, I will try too hear any songs without knowing what kind of song was.

If I Sad, I will listen to

  • Mostly Angels and Airwaves and Box Car Racer songs. (All they Album). Because it very slow and make my heart calm.

If I Bored, I will listen to

  • Dusun's Songs. Because the songs will lead me remember the past and the boring will gone instantaneously.

If I Hyped, I will listen to

  • blink 182, plus 44 and Box Car Racer songs. (All they Album). Because punk music style give me confidence and make me more hyped.

If I Mad, I will listen o

  • Church Songs. Because it can cool down my temper and reduce the stress from me.

p/s I like blink 182 forever and after...

Thursday, 18 August 2011

day 09- something you’re proud of in the past few days

shalom, just a simple update for this blog challenge.

according to the challenge, it want me to tell me what do I proud for few past... actually, nothing special that make me proud for past few day. maybe just proud of myself for getting the motivation going class... also, just a little event of CSS last pray-meet and PnW session make me proud became the excos for the years... even though only not higher position but at least I had contribute something for CSS.

that all from me... hope your will enjoy reading this short update... hihi

p/s I don't have the pride for proud of anything...

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

day 08- short term goals for this month and why

this is just a simple goal for this month.

  1. watch "Kamen Rider Series.
  2. reduce weight
  3. improve studies
this is my aim and goal for this month because:
  1. I like Kamen Rider especially "Kamen Rider OOO" will end within 2 episode.
  2. To make sure my self healthy.
  3. Final Exam already near. Targeting for better result.

p/s I have little motivation on myself.

Wednesday Without Words 6

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

day 07- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

halo... Today i will show something that has biggest impact in my life...

obviously, only HE has give biggest impact for me... change me from blank and immature person to conscious and clear of mind and heart through his revelation in one of my dream.

p/s i'm proud to be I am.

Monday, 15 August 2011

day 06- favorite super hero and why

hello... today i will reveal my favorite super heroes.... and they are....


I like them because... the story line of those heroes are very interesting, make sense and interconnecting...

other interesting about this super heroes are this was never end story... if some story are finished, a new one will replaced...

As I mention in day 01 challenge, I state that I am true fan of Kamen Rider and it's will obviously Kamen Rider is my favorite super heroes...

p/s the newest "Kamen Rider Fourze" will came out this September..

Sunday, 14 August 2011

zero is better.

zero is better because you don't need think anythings cause it's zero and it's doesn't exist...

day 05- a picture of somewhere you’ve been to

halo, today I will post I've been in my life.. 

this was picture of mine when in Malacca... taken using my camera in front of Christ Church..

p/s that was happy trip... but the end of trip kind of sad one...

Saturday, 13 August 2011

day 04- a habit that you wish you didn’t have

hmmm.. for today... as the fourth challenge out of 30... a habit that I wish didn't have is...


this always happened to me... in everytime I want do any task, I must stop and think that things are impossible even not try it.... and keep it up for last minute... I'm sure everybody also gone through this problem.

that all for today... I hope I can eliminate this procrastination.

p/s have 61 question assignment.l have to finished it before Monday... (the Lecturer are Stupid and Lazy)

Friday, 12 August 2011

day 03- a picture of you and your friends (everybody is friends)

Shalom... today I will show a picture of me and my friends.. 

here it goes:

sit (front) : Moshey, Nell
stand (middle) : Had, Me , Man Lee, Melissa@Bei, Aaron K.,Edgar, Tania, Janet, Anne
stand (behind) : Eric, Aaron S@Ansaw, Josh, Rick, HoHo, Clare

This picture taking at Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Penang after the Sunday Mass. 

everybody in the world can be my friends, because anybody who ever know me and talk to me is consider as a friend.

p/s I be happy to be anyone friend.

experiences is the best teacher

shalom readers..

for this early in the morning (Malaysian Time), wake up too early and will get through test and presentation on this afternoon.. T_T .. sounds scary to me.. 

Ok, Let me get this straight, experiences is a best teacher because ... (not more than 1000 words).

haha.. just kidding.. anyway, based on my views and experiences myself. almost everything that I learned today for living and alive mostly about 80 % from real experiences. if you geek or nerd with thousand of knowledge doesn't make you in this world as surviving humans... haha... for example, you cannot cook by just watching television or reading books. It not let you automatically can cook within a second. you still need to turn on the gas, find the right temperature of you stove and cook.. honestly, I start cooking when my age 7 years old... it was 1999 at time. I learned how to cook by myself after observing mom was cooking.. my brother at that time was 8 and also learn by himself... he did very good job at that time.. Now he very excellent in cooking in many variety and style... I'm at that very envy with my brother and also want to cook by myself... but the problem at that time is... I'm afraid of turning on the gas. because in the past before 7, I been strike with hot oil while mom was cooking at the kitchen. hence, for about years I cooking with help of anybody to turn on the gas... after a years, I conquered my fear by trying to turn the gas by myself.. then, I started by push and turn anti-clockwise... whoah.. I did it and from that... I am very good in cook but still no match with my brother..

it's very long story for me to explain the experiences was the best in my life... while I'm learning cook... I never read any materials stuff to learn cooking... by only seeing and redone the work done... you have save some energy on reading... haha... 

well.. they many things I wanna share in this entries but nobody likes to reading a very long post.... hehe (trolling for a while).. ok guys... that all from me now... Hope the newer entries are more interesting for you all...

p/s almost 8 monthw I didn't cook because women doesn't trust myself and abilities.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

day 02- the meaning behind your Blog name

shalom everybody.

today I will proceed with the meaning behind of my blog name.

refer to my blog header, my blog title is Moment to Share..
and the the tilted just like that... no meaning... hehehe...

actually, I choose this titled for my blog because every moment that we go through, had very beautiful meaning inside it... as I appreciate every moment that I gone through..

Like I'm said... appreciate all the moment we had.. those give us good laugh and smile..

p/s my previous blog's name is Hen-Shin

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

day 01- a recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

shalom everybody. today I will start the 30 days challenge.

this is the most recent photo of me. taken about last Friday.

here some 15 interesting facts about me.
  1. I am very good in all musical instrument. My main instrument is bass guitar.
  2. I am fast learner but easily to forget.
  3. A Punk musician and obsess with blink 182
  4. A sweet talker and also bad talker.
  5. Enjoy travelling.
  6. Love to takes photograph but doesn't like own photo been taken.
  7. I love to eat.
  8. Can compose a music/lyrics with 5 minute++.
  9. Cannot express true feelings to the other. Just make them happy.
  10. A Kamen Rider  true fan.
  11. Have little childish characteristics.
  12. Cats Lover. (they are adorable)
  13. Not easily crushed with anybody. Having a void of feeling right now.
  14. Very straight-forward person. But also can also not be straight-forward depending on situation.
  15. Very good man and pure heart.
p/s hehe... they are more than 15 interesting facts about me...

Wednesday Without Words 5

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

30 days of challenge

well, shalom readers..

While I surfing the net... I found this Pebbles's Blog on the net about her entry about 30 days challenge of blogging. Actually, this is the first time I doing this challenge and hopefully get this challenge with smoothly...

here the challenge:

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your music Library on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song.

ok, that all from me... tomorrow I will start this challenge and hopefully the result is good..

p/s 30 days is too long

a life as a drama

shalom readers..

on this beautiful day, I wanna share some of my thought to everybody. It almost 1 month I didn't update any post except for the Wednesday Without Words part. Kind of busy and procrastinate right now. I became lazier than before. Skip my dinner or lunch. Hmm, very unusual.. any back to the point...

I said that life is a drama because you life keep going on with different season and story. when end some of the story, a new story will eventually replaced the old story. As example, when you watch a drama in the TV, the story will end some days and new story will take over the story. Sorry for repeating the point. hehehe... Am I trolling with you all...? hahaha... Just kidding... About a month I entertain myself with internet Meme like "troll", "forever alone", "lol", "Challenge accepted" and many more...

back again to the topic... you as yourself in the main character of your story of you life... everybody around you only a supporting character and help you to make you story be success. her an example of story of guy that changing in a lifeline... 1st drama was the story of his childhood, next drama would be his teen period, after that, his adult life and finally his life as old man and the drama will end with a dead. Because of this matter, we will find that life is interesting as it many type of story and challenge that we will faces. Even though his a year, you will have different type of dilemma and feelings through the year. Even though I also feel the same ways.

some people commit suicide because they said life had no meaning. but for me, it a bullshit. who said life has no meaning. anybody had watched Stranger Than Fiction??? It is very good movie for me, personally.. because the movie tell that A man story is written by someone and his purposely to die. this movie tells also that story that we created maybe actually no coincidence with another people life and actually it's the people life..

hmmm... just to close my entire for the day.. as we realize that life is a drama that continue to play until the ended of time.. therefore, we must thank for God for giving us a wonderful pattern of life..

p/s finally I update my blog..