Wednesday, 31 August 2011

day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

shalom... today challenge are truly give me difficult time for me... actually I have the will be anybody and not specific and I will speak it generally... those are someone who 1 want switch of my life... based on desire.. be sporting... ok
  • Rich Man.
I think like this because I also have the desire on money... if I switch my life with rich.. I immediately transfer some of money from myself as Rich Man to my other self that was not me at that time.. that all I want... Then, tomorrow I wake up with plenty of money in Bank.
  • Girl
Because I want to learn how girl lives in a day... that's all... and also do something that guys can't do... Just testing...
  • Cat
Because Cat are adorable and cute... maybe be a Cat helps me understand more about as Human doesn't understand everything they want are always been force to sleep... :3

that's all I want to share for now.. anyway... thanks for reading...

p/s Happy Merdeka to Malaya.. 16 days more for Sabah to Merdeka...
Malaysia years = My father's age..

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