pic source http://static.tumblr.com/rpsmp9s/YyMlu219k/paradox.png |
lets get start... maybe my definition of paradox dream different from another views... this is just based on experience and what I understand about it.. okay.. shall we proceed..

The idea is the paradox dream also a very weird dream... not an inception dream that explain the dream inside dream inside dream and inside dream depend how many phase of dream you... well, watch "Inception" movie starts by Leonardo DiCarpio for basc understandng of inception... hahahaha... back to point, Paradox Dream according to me is, the character of the dream is you most of the time, but play in different time... sort like time-travel kind of dream where the dream version of you meet another dream version of you... cool right, but in some views, you as yourself in dream play different role in different part of dream...
the story start when I was a time traveler and sent to past to get red of bad.. that the mission of the dream.. i guess... but then, in my journey chasing the bad guy, I accidentally meet this fully robe guy that he trying to approach me and stop what I'm doing... and the guy was followed me whenever and wherever I go... I go stress with to guy and I smoke... and then he stopped me and said "Don't smoke, or u will face bigger problem" ... What a weird guy and then I feel very annoying about this guy and try as much I can escape from him... few... very glad because escaping from him.. I continue my mission find the villain of the dream but then suddenly, I get to the temple and everything became more religious dream and the villain is not longer remember. its a new whole story for a sudden... typical weird dream... then.. in the dream I've being healing and undergoes some sort of exorcism by a Priest... feel like real and how its feel something came out from my body... wow... feel so hurt also then for a moment I've been throw to the sky and smash to ground because 1 things I do... and that things was I smoke in the earlier dream... Then, the priest u forget that u had smoke before and that why I've been throw up to sky and falling down again... then after a second, I've in were a robe and back to the where in earlier dream... I saw one person was chasing a bad guy and I've remember it was me and then trying approach him and follow him.. he seems pissed to me and until I saw he starts to smoke and said "Don't smoke, or u will face bigger problem" ... he very pissed off because I'd try to stop whatever he does and just for a second he then run away and I cannot find his trace anymore... and I woke up...
this is a short dream because I just sleep for 2 hours.. not expecting too much because need study for finals that time... >.<
that's all from for now... :3 hahahaha... sorry for the boring story for you all... :) Okay... thats all from me and I wish goodluck for life everybody... God Bless You all...
p/s also consider as weird as shit dream that doesn't make sense at all dream