only want to share some experience from this day... not only the event... but the whole day... or maybe exceed the days.... hehehe
I woke up on this days as usually at 7.00 a.m to get ready for vector calculus lecture... just like ordinary day , woke up, take a bath, preparing and walk by feet to the lecture's venue... having vector calculus class is not too hard for me... but I'm just keep myself unfocused by playing "mahjong" games in my cell phone... after a few minute, not really few few minute... it was half an hour... I sneeze... Ah Choo!!! I think I get flu that time... but actually, I'm positively having a flu by... sneeze after a few minute and I can't control it.... maybe I would fever also... then, I just happen as normal Friday day for me... everything seems to be same for me...
After all the classes is over... I studied for the coming test at 8 p.m... hardly to study at that time because the flu became serious... that force me to having some rest and hope what I'm studied just now will guarantee me pass mark... after times passed, I prepare myself and going to the test venue... luckily some of my friend give me ride to the test location... it almost 8 at that time... reaching they, many of them are still outside the test room (MPH 2)... the lecturer did show up yet... late for 15 minute.. we immediately start the test and surprisely the test are similar with last year question... I was full of depressed at that time... because I did get the change to refer the question....
After the test, I force myself went to the Chancellor Hall to watch the euphonious 2011 (final)... what the most shocked me that no band had start perform yet... Like their waiting me to watch there perform... hehehe... just kidding... actually, the event should start at 7.45 p.m and the time is 9.15 and I assumed the 3rd or 4th band should be perform at that time... the main cause of this delaying performance it some of technical problem faces by the first band... because of that, they cannot perform and they start perform at 9.30 and I actually get to see all the performance from the "b- z"... which i refer "a" as introduction... The band Perform is StereoPop, Uitm-Vocstic, Morven 30 Days, Threnody, Vodoo Child... after watching all they performance... the result are announce... before that, I became representative with the vocalist of my band "Orait Tambalutz" taking the certificate and latter past back to the Eupho Com (They haven't print the certificate)... finally, the result.... from the 6th place to champion.... Uitm-Vocstic, StereoPop, Threnody, 30 Days, Morven and the CAHAPION ISSSSSSSSSSSSS .......................................... VOOOOODDDDDOOOOOOOO CHHHHHIIIIILLLLLLLLD.... congrats to them... they do deserved the champion titled... they also win the people choice award and two of they band member get the individual award which.... best guitarist award and bassist award.... after the end of the of result... The judge... "STONEBAY" perform again after the event... few... what an enegertic performance by them.... actually... they perform the same songs at the preliminary round... but the different is they not play acoustic version at preliminary round and wow... they performance did heat up.. thank for they bass player or known as "Uncle Bob" for some reason give some joke that make the day...
after the event, I went out to mamak with Eric, Nell and Bei... to having refershment... as I like... It...
That all... A story of one day....

Orait Tambalutz Crew!!! hehehe
Some picture for the finalist can be seen in this blog...
p/s sooner fever came as well cough...
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