Well, today I'm only share about this simple topic about ignorance... Like I'm ignore everything that been post for the 3 weeks... hehehe....
Sometimes, people do ignore you because you not similar of taste and life...
as nothing to say.... I'm honestly face this kind of scenario everyday... for examples, their didn't trust you as reliable person, instead look down to you... then, you did something to impress them but they still thinks you fools.... every time I try so hard to make people believes that I can do like them, but it just waste of time... them mind set already tells that I'm very low potential from them.... They had the pride that think them better than them.... another example, I'm already master the things I want but the problem is... I don't know how many years they left behind, they still thought I'm not mastering on that thinks... What?... Please tell me this guys came from where?... To be honest, I'm a fast learner for a practical stuff... about year ago... I'm only learned bicycle for least than 1 hour... This friends of mine are too stereotype person... only see people from the outside... at least I can learn somethings faster... even I learned to drive only about an half and hour...
hmmm.... to finalize my post.... this is my advice; "Don't Ignore people because you the dark side of it but let them warm with support them bright side"...
p/s sorry if my post is very emo... =)
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