Saturday 6 January 2024


 Remember when we are young;

  1. Naive
  2. Happy
  3. Ego
  4. Full of shit
  5. Down
  6. Anxious
  7. Bold
  8. Dumb
  9. Broke
  10. Jealous
  11. Determine
  12. Active
  13. Extrovert
  14. Want it all
  15. Gullible
  16. Rebellious
  17. Stupid
  18. Etc....
All of it was the past. we grow up. On our own roads lead to the next phase for a better life.


Thursday 6 January 2022


Rough journey from the previous. the is up and down from the start. Life is a journey, an endless journey through thin ad thick. 2021 start with bad start but end with a bang. Cherish this moment. it wont last forever.

The post Covid world not yet established. The world leader hungry for wealth and power. Thou dont live in our shoes. No Emphathy but all words are full of s***. People are suffering yet the riches became more wealthier than ever. maybe a rant but take this a reminder, "We are not in this world forever".

Decade ago, so young and naive. thinking that world would threat you better if you did better. In fact, the world is cruel truth which there is ending dog eating dog situation. Even the karmatic revelation is not enough to cleanse all of this unfair.

came 2022. the new age of technology (even some people not very smart at it).

Lets pray for 2022 for a year for all of us. We need it. 

Thank You.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Myth: Manual & Automatic

Since the creating of automobile, the technology has evolved through the century. From simple mechanically machine to advanced sophisticated technology. Through the century, automobile have been using manual and automatic transmission. In recent time the manual cars have reach to extinctions zone which over 90% of the new car produce where fully automatic (AMT, Torque Converter AT, CVT, DCT/DSG and etc.) leaving the lower percentage for surviving manual vehicles. The progress of mankind lead to more comfortable ride which offer most on the automatic vehicles. By the end of decade, it is predicted the manual transmission would cease to exist in addition of the EV development. Although the Car Enthusiast are very optimist the number would not go down in near future.

    Are manual cars being relics from the past when technology breakthrough has not been discovered? It is a no and yes answer depending who we ask. Some car euthanistic and purist claim that driving manual cars having the only experiences that cannot be found while driving an automatic car. When we driving and manual car, the experience of the shifting gears, rev matching and the adrenalin rush are intense than driving automatic car. In contrast, automatic car giving the best comfort for all driving condition especially on heavy traffic.

    But, does driving manual car in the traffic would kill down your left foot for long time? To answer this, we need to understand the basic understanding of the manual car itself. Different from automatic car, manual car having three pedals to operate. When turning the ignition on, the gear level would set to neutral before engaging a gear. By pressing the clutch, enter the gear level to the 1st gear and release the clutch carefully to avoid the engine stall (Shocked cause by immediately release of clutch to make engine stop). Another tip is to blip some accelerator when release the clutch after ready the clutch bite to avoid engine stalling every time. After that, continue to press the accelerator until reached 20-40 kmph (2300-4000rpm) then press the clutch, disengaged the gear and engaged to 2nd gear and finally release the clutch carefully and press the accelerator. Repeat this step for engaged to 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th and above. Done in sequentially order. For downshifting, it is advisable to rev matching before engage the lower gear. A good rev matching would guarantee none jerky movement of sudden downshift. First step to downshift is to decelerated by stepping the brake or the gravity action. When the car decelerated, press the clutch and disengaged the gear and engaged the lower gear (for example 5th to 4th) but blip the throttle before full release the clutch. Another method by using heel and toe technique, press the brake using right leg, and the repeat the regular downshifting but the right leg stay in the brake while blipping the throttle with the other part of right leg (this technique required a lot of practice, Even I took about months to familiarize this technique.)

    Consequently, the using of clutch for manual car only need when upshifting and downshifting. The left foot is barely touch and the right foot doing 83% of driving when using manual car. Some people suffer pain of left foot because inaccurate way to driving a manual car by holding the clutch on heavy traffic (which could cause the tear and wear on the clutch disk). The holding clutch practice is use when the car needs extra traction when moving uphill, but as soon as the car catch up with the speed, the left leg finished it job and drive as usual. In other side, driving automatic simplify the works for shifting and let the car travelled from point A to B.

    In Conclusion, by changing the driving habit on manual car. We can save our left foot from unnecessary fatigue and money from tear and wear on the transmission. This is just a free thought and some factual notice.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Bite the Feeding Hand


In the dark of the night, Nathan stare out the windows through the pouring rain. He starts wondering how he could chance everything after all have done. Back in the days, Nathan was just an unemployed from any type jobs. Living with his family and seven siblings. Each day, Nathan would always be fighting his family. He is the person who believe he was never in fault for any reason. Kind of narcissist person who he was.

            On the fateful day, he was looking for job and he manage to secured a job as a botanist. Nathan couldn’t careless for his job. He works just for the sake proving his families that he was right. On the other side, Nathan still fighting with his relative for he reluctant to admit he was in fault. The fighting was intense, with broken glass and bruises head and body. Couple years past, the Headquarters of his Company hold a recruitment on several posting as Security Guard. Since the posting was placed different area from where he lives, He try to apply the position and secure his position. Although, it would take several months to verify his posting at the new place. Three months later, he finally transfers to new posting location. The news gave big smile on his face which he does not need to deal with his family again.

            On the headquarters, Nathan was happy with his but he could find place to stay. He meets the top official of his company to pledge for place to crash. The Director, Mr. John arranged he to meet the head of maintenance for such inquiry. He then met Felix as arrange by the Director and came up with plan with building additional hut around the worker premise for Nathan place to stay for a time being. Nathan thanks to Felix for helping him. Several weeks later, the hut was finished and Nathan now has place to stay.

It was July when he meets his future wife, a widow, Janet who recently divorced with her former husband. Janet was very manipulated women and she tries to convince her former husband to do what she said. But that love just don’t work out. It ends with bitter divorced. Nathan instantaneously fall in love with her. Nathan and Janet getting married after 6 months of dating. Janet then live together with Nathan in his place. With Nathan job as security guard, Janet feel at ease with nobody would harm them.

Day by day, Nathan grew more furious and ranting unnecessary to his company. He became more aggressive and love to spread hearsay. Felix live across the bigger house at the worker premise. It was a time for him retire and his son Vincent would work with same company and continue to live in the house. Nathan became envy and came out with a plan to evicted Felix’s son from that house. At the same time, the head of security Jack always jealous with Felix achievement and prosperity. Jack had very high tempered and even try to persuade the director to Evicted Felix after He retire. However, the director ignores that nonsense and focused more on the worker welfare.

 It was a dark day; the director has passed away from sudden heart attack. The company was force to appoint new Director, Fred who was friends of Jack. Jack was enlightened and start his secret plan silently. It almost two left for Felix to retire and he take his last vacations before retire. In silent, Jack remove Felix parking spot name and replaced it with him and deliberately tell the top official to evict Felix family from his house but halt by the top official which Felix’s son also working in the company and there is no necessary action to evicted exist worker from the house. Jack angered and frustrated, Nathan overhear the conversation and fill with thought of snatching the house and live in prosperity. Nathan came to Janet and she was excited and plan a great plan on their palm.

Months later, Nathan meet Jack to construct plan that would works. They complaint to the new official that the hut Nathan live in ruin and need further reconstruction and convinced that only security guard have privilege of living in the workers premise. The new naïve Administration Officer compelled by them and draft memo for immediate evicted at Felix house where Vincent live now. Vincent was forced to leave the house and Nathan and Janet spread hearsay about Vincent does not want to leave the house. Vincent frustrated and left the house forever and start to find another home. God speed Vincent. Jack and Nathan did it. They celebrated like a feast and plan to evicted another non-security tenant from worker premise. One by one, the chase out all the other tenant and completely turn the place into security guard premise.

Nathan live in comfort but is came to the end when suddenly Vincent was appointed as the new Vice Director of the company. Nathan couldn’t show his face to his company. He has no authority against Vincent. In other side, since Vincent been chased out, he finds abundant of help from the other worker from the company. They help him finding new home and he thanks them gratefully. He doesn’t strike back to those who was frame and persecuted him. Although, Vincent never treat the worker unfairly and win the heart of people.

On the cool night, Nathan suddenly fell down on the stair and his head hit the grounds. Janet find his husband laying and rush to the hospital. The doctor came out from the result and tell him that he couldn’t walk normal as some of his nerve had been damage through the fall. To make things worse, the doctor discover that he was diagnosed cancer. The doctor told him he can no longer work with heavy task type of work. To Nathan, that would make he would soon would be evicted from the house. Due to their action in the past, non-security personnel are not to live in the worker premise and since Vincent was the Vice Director, Nathan thought Vincent will use this chance to get revenged on him.

After a long stay at the hospital, he and family packed up things and back to the house. The next days, Nathan meets with Vincent and as expected Nathan was evicted from the premise not because of Vincent, but their doing in the past. Vincent was trying to convinced the top official board but they ignore Vincent pledge for Nathan's stay and doesn’t even bother to hear. The aftermath, Vincent find rent house for Nathan and families. Nathan doesn’t hear since from them because he was no longer work at his company.

Nathan sit at the side of the windows in the dark night, cool and rainy. Reminiscing the old day and grow older alone. He lost his job, family and even freedom. Little did he knows, he now old sitting on the old folk home left alone and waiting to died.


The End

Friday 28 September 2018

Gullible and Naive

Shalom and Have a Good Day.

On today world, people need to survive on the harsh reality of the world. The good things are not always came in front of us, and we cannot trust anybody on this modern Era.

People in past often being in the shoes of naivety and gullibility for so long. Being close with devotions and what do they believe. The world has evolve to a point where these traits can destroy ourselves from the inside.

Naivety with positive aura cannot save us from the people try to manipulate us. Its sometimes related with the experience gain with us and what type of people we have met. After the naivety broke like a shatter glass, the news person would come out from the shell and live as negatively pessimist person.

Different with gullibility, it always can be seen for the people who have natural traits that cannot be changes or modified. Even though the person who learn from lesson from past lie. There always think things can change with the time and fall for it over and over again.

In this harsh time for people, the circle of deceiving would continue and continue to the future. Life goes on but live with less naivety and gullibility.

p/s Take care readers.